These Irish people have some wise counsel for us regarding the presidential election.YouTube

With the Republican National Convention just wrapped up and the Democratic National convention starting next week, the November election is drawing ever nearer.

If you haven’t yet decided who you will be voting for (and I say will because everyone eligible should exercise their right to vote), these Irish people have some advice to help you make up your mind. Well, except for one gentleman who doesn’t think he should tell the American people who to vote for since he doesn’t live in America which is fair enough.

The interviewer, a very animated man in a leather jacket, asks people on the streets of Dublin for their two cents' worth. There are a lot of “anyone but Trump” replies, one man who still believes in Bernie, and three lads on Henry Street whose debate about whether Trump is a savvy businessman and a good change for the US or a racist who has no idea what he’s doing more or less embodies the state of America right now.

Do you know who you’ll be voting for in November? Did any of this Irish advice help? Share your thoughts in the comment section, below.