President of the IAD Stella O’Leary says group wish to acknowledge Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's commitment to the Irish causes.YouTube

Irish American Democrats (IAD), a national Irish American political action committee that support Democratic candidates for national and state office, will unveil its New York support group for Hillary Clinton’s presidential run on Saturday, June 13 at the Pig n’ Whistle at 951 Second Avenue, between 50th and 51st Streets.

President of the IAD Stella O’Leary told the Irish Voice the New York launch will coincide with Clinton’s official launch announcement and rally on the same day which will occur on Roosevelt Island in Manhattan.

O’Leary says that IAD will shortly host similar events in support of Clinton in Washington, South Carolina and other places around the nation to acknowledge her commitment to the Northern Ireland peace process and to immigration reform, issues of particular concern to Irish American voters.

“There were no women in politics in Northern Ireland when Hillary visited in the mid-1990s,” O’Leary told the Irish Voice.

“She brought them in with her Vital Voices campaign. I have a chronology of her visits to Northern Ireland and there are about 13 in total I believe.”

O’Leary says that two historic back-to-back Democratic presidents are a distinct possibility and the timing is right both for Clinton as candidate and for the nation’s first female president.

“Younger people can see that the needle has not yet moved far enough when it comes to equal opportunities for women. The Republican candidates all look like throwbacks to the past and Clinton has shown she’s on the right side of history,” O’Leary said.