Scientist and engineers, healthcare workers and ICT - your skills are in demand in IrelandiStock

Deciding to move to another country is never easy, but knowing there are job opportunities waiting can make things a lot less stressful.

In a recent survey by Cpl it was found that over 60% of Irish businesses favor job seekers who have experience working abroad. Pair this with a shortage of skilled workers in key job sectors -  science and engineering, healthcare and ICT, and year on year growth of jobs over the past five years and Ireland suddenly seems like a pretty attractive place to work.

If you are thinking of moving to Ireland to work, or are currently based in Ireland, and have skills in these sectors then you are in luck.

  1. Science & engineering

A recent survey by Cpl shows a 13% growth in science and engineering jobs posted and a consistent increase in multinational companies calling Ireland home.

Engineering and science sectors with job opportunities include: Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medical Device, Food, Construction & Energy.

To match the increase in new jobs, companies in Ireland have actively begun looking for workers in Ireland and outside of Ireland who are looking to relocate.

  1. Information & communications

Ireland is the second largest exporter of computer & IT services in the world and is a base for eight of the top 10 global information technology companies.

Technology companies that call Dublin home include: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, PayPal, eBay, Twitter, Survey Monkey and numerous exciting local businesses and startups.

If you have a second language paired with ICT skills, you will be a particularly attractive ICT job candidate in Ireland.

  1. Healthcare

It’s no secret that the Irish healthcare system needs more employees. Important roles in demand across the country include: Nurses, Junior Doctors and Physiotherapists.

A strong educated workforce is crucial in this sector, and an increase in demand means Irish hospitals and clinics are looking to workers outside of Ireland to fill these roles. The demand is so strong recruiters now often visit other countries to bring healthcare talent back to Ireland.

An increase in demand can also be seen outside of hospitals with growth in Ireland’s medical technology sector.

If you have the skills to work in any of the above industries and live within the EEA you can freely apply for any available jobs, or if you’re in America or elsewhere you could be eligible for a Critical Skills Employment Permit.

Tempted to move? For more information visit

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