
Missing out on the Oscars when you're nominated? Well, let's just say Consolata Boyle is very committed to her existing projects.

The Irish costume designer is nominated amongst her peers for the third time.

Alas, due to existing commitments, the Dublin native will not be able to attend the glittering awards show.

Boyle is nominated for her work on "Victoria and Abdul". She has previously been recognized for "Florence Foster Jenkins" and "The Queen".

The designer is currently in Budapest preparing for her next film, "Radioactive", based on Lauren Redniss' 2010 novel.

The upcoming movie follows the life of two-time Nobel Prize winner Marie Curie, with Rosamund Pike playing the lead in the project.

I guess even when you're of Oscar calibre, there really is no such thing as a day off when you're at the top of your game.