Jamie Dornan surprises Dakota Johnson on the set of Fifty Shades of Grey.Irish Voice Newspaper

Irish star Jamie Dornan won over 100 ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ fans in his role as Christian Grey at a special screening of the film in New York City on Friday night.

Many of the attendees who saw the film at the Ziegfeld Theatre showing thought Dornan had great on-screen chemistry with co-star Dakota Johnson, who plays  Anastasia Steele, the NY Daily News reports.

The audience, comprised mostly of women, applauded and cheered when Dornan first appeared on the screen. Gasps, giggles and exclamations could be heard throughout the screening.

“I’m pretty comfortable with sex,” said Kathy Exposito, 31, a lab technician from Washington Heights. “It’s one thing reading the book by yourself in the house in the dark, and it’s another seeing the movie with a hundred people. You feel exposed, like ‘Oh my god, now everybody knows I like this kind of thing.’”

Exposito said she originally wanted actor Charlie Hunnam to play Grey, but she approves of Dornan now that she's seen the film.

“He’s more than what I expected,” she said.

Some fans thought the movie was a bigger hit than the book, written by E.L. James.

“The movie was much better than the book,” said Julie O’Mahoney, a 26-year-old who works in advertising in Ireland. “The book’s very boring and step-by-step. There were cringe-worthy moments. It wasn’t a very memorable book.”

Despite rumors that co-stars Johnson and Dornan had a frosty off-screen relationship, fans only saw the on-screen heat.

“I heard that they didn’t like each other in real life, but I thought they were fine,” said Fernanda Capolina, 26, a student from Queens. “The chemistry was amazing.”