Saoirse RonanElizabeth Saltzman/Instagram

Stellar acting career, celebrity pals, and a closet stocked with designer red carpet gowns aside - actress Saoirse Ronan is not your average 23-year-old.

The Carlow native appeared on 'Ellen' with chat show host  Ellen DeGeneres, and the subject of her romantic life came up.

Ronan, currently nominated for an Oscar for her role in "Ladybird",  admitted she simply doesn't date. 

"I don't know how to date," she revealed. "I don't date. I'm not into the whole...let's go out for dinner. I don't even know how to talk about it."

To encourage her, DeGeneres prompted her to play a game of "Who'd You Rather?" getting the ball rolling with Ladybird co-star Timothée Chalamet and fellow Irish thesp Colin Farrell.

To see how candidates, from a fictional "Harry Potter" to Harry Styles, fared - watch below.

Do you know anyone who could ease Saoirse into the dating world? Let us know below.