America’s biggest Irish day can be a nightmare. Here's some of the reasons it might be a good idea to stay home.iStock

The Irish are certainly a nation of dog-lovers and fellow dog-lovers in the US proudly show off their love for the Emerald Isle by naming their pet pooches along an Irish theme. recently released its figures on Irish dog names throughout the US in honor of St. Patrick’s Day and, unsurprisingly, Lucky and Clover came out on top with all five of the top names paying homage to the luck of the Irish.

It seems that a lot of inspiration is also taken from Irish names themselves with Molly, in particular, ranking 4th as the most popular female dog name in the US and the top Irish female dog name. Cody came out top for the male dog names, closely followed by Logan, Austin, Owen and Patrick.

Our favorites, however, were the names drawing inspiration from our world famous food and drink. The top five suggestions included Bailey, Guinness, Jameson, Stew and Shepard.

Irish dog breeds, such as Irish setters and Kerry Blues, are also very popular throughout the US and the cities with the most Irish dog breeds were San Francisco, Boston, New York, Seattle and Los Angeles.

The places with the most Irish-themed dog monikers, however, included Louisville, KY, Milwaukee, WI, Hartford, CT, Bridgeport, CT and Fort Collins, CO.

With such great options available, you’d be barking mad to pick anything else.

The complete top 5 were:

  1. Lucky
  2. Clover
  3. Seven
  4. Wishbone
  5. Charm


Does your pet have an Irish-themed name? Leave your own suggestions in the comments section below.
