Irish Setter Tillie watched over her trapped friend by a concrete cistern for over a week until their rescue.Facebook/Vashon Island Pet Protectors

Dogs have always been known as man’s best friend, but this beautiful, loyal Irish setter could win the award for one of the best displays of friendship we’ve ever seen.

Earlier this month in Washington state, best doggie friends Tillie (an Irish Setter) and Phoebe (a Bassett Hound) were reported missing. When more than a week had passed without their return, concerns were raised about the pair’s welfare.

A local non-profit, Vashon Island Pet Protectors, went out to search for the two dogs, hoping to return the pooch pals to their home.

Fortunately, a community member rang the VIPP to tell them they’d seen a “reddish” dog, like an Irish setter, going back and forth over their property from a near-by ravine. Deciding to investigate the claim, volunteers entered the woods calling out Tillie’s name.

Sure enough, she quickly barked back letting the volunteers know of her whereabouts when they came across her guarding the edge of a concrete cistern.

Poor Phoebe had fallen into the cistern and, although she was able to perch herself on top of a pile of debris to keep out of the water, her little Basset Hound legs were too short to help her escape.

Lucky for Phoebe she has a great friend in Tillie, who stood by her side for a week, occasionally traveling to local property to try and capture some human attention in a bid to effect her rescue.

Although cold, hungry and tired, Tillie and Phoebe were otherwise in perfect health and returned home safely after their scary adventure.

Perfect proof for why we chose the Irish Setter as one of the Top Ten Irish Dog Breeds – they’re affectionate, friendly and will be the perfect addition to any active, energetic home.
