If you looked at the shelves of an Irish supermarket, you might think the world is ending.Twitter.com/CarlowWeather

There's the concept of a supermarket sweep, then there's the Irish when faced with the prospect of stocking up for unusual weather.

With the country on high alert about Storm Emma, the Beast from the East, or whatever you want to call it - panic mentality has set in and the shelves of grocery stores nationwide have been left almost bare. 

Read More: Beast from the East Siberian blizzard to give Ireland its worst snow in 36 years 

Amidst all of this checkout chaos, one entrepreneurial character has taken to DoneDeal.ie (a Craigslist-style resale website) to advertise a half-used loaf of bread. Judging by the pictures above, the fear is real. 

"Can sell by the slice, Drone delivery €80 in the local parish depending on visibility," the tongue-in-cheek advert reads.

In a mere four hours, the post made by "Mark from Wexford" has amassed over 3,000 views.

Well, how much would you pay for a toastie if the supermarket shelves were stripped?