Comedy sketch group Foil Arms and Hog get an Irish Christmas Day down to a tee.Foil Arms and Hog, YouTube

A classic Irish Christmas Day is all about being forced to go to Mass and bickering over food.

While Christmas is a time for family, all that time around your loved ones can also cause a bickering session or an argument or two, especially when it comes to kids being grumpy or an Irish Mammy being fussy.

Irish comedy group Foil Arms and Hog got the classic Irish Christmas Day down to a tee in this hilarious sketch from 2016 that covers everything from the hard decisions over what to watch on TV when your Mom’s got the remote to lying to the cook about how dry the turkey is.

And then, of course, there are the attempts to get all the kids to make their annual trip to Mass,  your siblings stealing your gifts to your parents on you, and the line “You’ve ruined Christmas” which we’re sure gets bandied about a lot more than we’d like to think.    

Does this remind you of your Irish Christmas Day? Have they missed anything? Let us know in the comments section, below.

* Originally published in Dec 2019. Updated in 2023.