A Culchie mug, a luxurious merino/cashmere throw (pictured) and a Castle Arch Pottery Kilkenny salad bowl could be yours to gift! (Or to keep for yourself, we won’t judge.)The Irish Gift Market

The Irish Gift Market is offering one lucky competition winner three stunning Irish-made items, a $330 value, absolutely free if you enter this lead-up to Christmas competition!

Just like IrishCentral’s Facebook page, share this article on Facebook and tag at least one friend and you could be in with a chance to win the following:

A Large Merino Cashmere Throw Blanket by Carnua Ireland - value $194.50  (Pictured above)

A Hampton Blue Medium Salad Bowl by Castle Arch Pottery Kilkenny - value $89.00

A Culchie Mug by Kiltrea Bridge Pottery Wexford - value $44.50

Each of these makes an excellent Christmas present, but we certainly won’t judge if you prefer to keep them for yourself!

The Irish Gift Market is a 100% Irish, family run business based in Kilkenny, renowned as the Craft Capital of Ireland and the home of the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland and the National Craft Gallery. Ken Byrne, founded The Irish Gift Market in 2014 and has created a fantastic range of high-quality Irish artisan craft products, ranging from pottery and glassware to blankets, throws, scarves and shawls. See more gorgeous items on their site

The last day to enter is Tuesday, December 20. Good luck!