Abbey Street bar becomes one of many bars to add a portrait of The Donald to the men’s lavatory.

A rather large portrait of the Republican presidential candidate nominee Donald Trump has appeared in an unusual location in a Dublin pub…The urinal.

The Adelphi Bar, on Middle Abbey Street, claimed that The Donald has preached hate in his colorful statements. Tony McCabe, the manager of the bar, said Trump plays a central part in political debates taking place in pubs across Dublin, which was the reason they decided to put Trump’s face “where it mattered.”

He stated "I just felt that it was a way for some people to express their feelings towards Mr. Trump's views and to make their trip to the bathroom a 'wee' bit more entertaining."

Read more: Did an Irish band predict Donald Trump’s wall in the 1990s?

McCabe told ITV that Trump’s photo will be taken down if he is elected as the President of the United States in November.

On the bar’s Facebook page they posted a photos along with this: "It seems that our urinal is turning out to be rather popular with the gents !!! Any suggestions for the ladies restroom ???" [sic]”
The Dublin pub’s toilet décor is far from novel. Back in March this year a pub in London, The Three Stags, created this “P*ss Poll” by adding the faces to of Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio to their urinals.

Cruz and Trump and Rubio...oh my!

And in February the Atlas Ballroom in Indiana installed Donald Trump urinal cakes:

And here’s just some other artistic tacks to urinals we found:

This photo comes from the Cowboy’s Bar, in Queenstown, New Zealand:
But it should also be said that Trump isn’t the only one that’s gotten the urinal treatment:

Read more: A message from President Trump: I'm a "Know Nothing" and proud of it

Is this a harmless bit of toilet humor or does it go too far? Share your thoughts in the comment section.