Singing priests, goat/sheep hybrids, Irish dance flash mobs and emotional reunions. It’s been an entertaining year!YouTube

In celebration of 10 years of YouTube, Google has released the list of Ireland’s most viewed videos.

The number one video in the country is the 55-second clip ‘Charlie bit my finger—again,’ which was uploaded in 2007 and featured 3-year-old Harry and his 1-year-old brother Charlie.

Two videos from Cork animator Jason Sullivan, ‘Tommy’ and ‘I Can’t Do it’ from the Sminky Shorts series, also made the list.

‘The Ultimate Dog Tease,’ from 2011, is a worldwide favorite.

‘The Annoying Orange’ Orange NYA NYA Style, a Gangnam Style Parody, has over 107 million views.

The Republic of Telly skit ‘You Know You’re Irish When…’ 

Fr Ray Kelly, who surprised an Irish couple during their wedding with his rendition of Leonard Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah,’ was also a huge hit.

Lucy Spraggan’s audition on the X-Factor in 2012.