A tribute to Ireland’s greatest city.YouTube

Visit Dublin has released a beautiful visual poem dedicated to the capital city.

In the video, Louis MacNeice’s 1939 poem, "Dublin", is read by modern Dublin slam poet Stephen James Smith. The stirring words and images capture the essence of Ireland’s greatest city and will make you wish you were there.

Dublin - With her seedy elegance, with her gentle veils of rain / And all her ghosts that walk / And all that hide behind / Her Georgian facades...

Visit Dublin writes: "Over the years, Dublin has been the muse of many a talented wordsmith. But one poem in particular perfectly evokes the city’s unique atmosphere, rich history and ‘seedy elegance.'"

The tourist organization adds that the "stunning" images in the video "highlight the many different elements that make each visitor’s trip to Dublin truly unique."

*Originally published December 2014.