Can this professional eater manage to eat this mammoth meal in just 30 minutes to win himself the coveted shirt?Randy Santel

Will you be heading out for a full Irish fry this weekend? This 8,000 Irish Breakfast Challenge taken by an American “professional eater” might change your mind.

Randy Santel took on the breakfast challenge at Murphy’s Law, in Athlone, County Westmeath last February. The challenge is to eat the full breakfast in 30 minutes.

The mammoth feed contains white and black pudding, rashers, sausage, eggs, tomatoes, beans, mushrooms, bread and hash browns and fries.

The challenge winner receives the meal for free ($15.50 / (€14) and a free t-shirt.

It should be said though that Randy Santel is literally a professional eater who specializes in winning and promoting restaurant food challenges all around the world.

He’s full of strategies like eating your veg first and getting the eggs down ye! Some great advice comes from the locals cheering him on like “Get it down your face!”

Check out the challenge if you dare.

Murpyhy’s was Santel’s second stop on his European tour of Food Challenges.

Santel began his eating career right after winning a national body transformation contest in 2010 sponsored by Men's Health Magazine and the global hit TV series “Spartacus”. He is the owner and operator of the website and has the most restaurant eating challenge wins in the world out of all competitive eaters both past and present.

Still feel like a full Irish? Enjoy your brunch this weekend everyone!