Why is Elton John performing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding?

According to reports he sang at the reception for the fourth wedding for Rush, who is now 59, and his 33-year old new wife Kathryn Rogers (see left) in Florida on Saturday night

Let's face it, Limbaugh represents everything that Elton John should despise-- and vice versa.

As a gay performer John must know just how scathing Limbaugh has been on issues such as gay rights and 'don't ask don't tell' in the military.

Limbaugh must know that John is openly and sometimes outrageously gay and makes no apologies for it.

They make very strange bedfellows , excuse the pun. One is the most anti - Gay talk show host ever and Elton john is a ardent supporter of gay causes.

it can't be about the money, John has more than enough so as not to worry about funds for the foreseeable future.

For Limbaugh too, it is strange choice, One would have expected gospel singers not Elton John.

They say John pocketed a million for the gig, but can it have been worth it for him?

There's nothing as queer as folk as the English say