Just weeks after the #IrishfactswithoutWikipedia hashtag on Twitter took off another tweeting phenomenon has taken off. This time it seems to be a little more nostalgic with things like Flat 7Up healing all illness and blasting Irish tunes on YouTube making the cut but there were some gems of Irish peculiarism also.

Here’s just a sample with our top ten #irishthings:

1. @jpswaine
“describing someone with longstanding persistent and untreated psychosis as “a character” #irishthings”
2. @platinumjones
“‘Ok, talk to you later. Yeah. OK. Bye. Bye. Byebyebyebyebyebye..byebye. Bye’ *hangs up phone* #irishthings”
3. @UppityNorrie
“Saying ‘Ah but he’s very good to his mother” about some utter bastard #irishthings”
4. @SweetEmma
“That mini heart attack you get if you go out&forget to turn off the immersion #irishthings”
5. @jambbie147
“Wallpaper on your school bukes #irishthings” (sic)
6. @Ragin_Spice
“#irishthings learning a language for 12 years and not being fluent.”
7. @Chrissymacc
“Calling Joe Duffy instead of the police #IrishThings”
8. @Ms_F_Tutu
“#Irishthings ‘I will, yeah’ meaning the exact opposite”
9. @Bumble_Bug
“TK Red Lemonade and white pudding. Not together of course. #IrishThings”
10. @simondbell
“You’re not drinking? Are you on antibiotics?? #irishthings”