The Irish Pastoral Centre invites you to join us at the annual November Masses of Remembrance. Commemoration of the deceased will take place at the following:
St. Brendan’s Church, 589 Gallivan Blvd. Dorchester.
Sunday, November 18 at 10:00 AM *in conjunction with the Parish Mass
Mass will be celebrated by Fr. John McCarthy
In conjunction with the Irish Pastoral Centre Senior Program outing to ICCNE
Thursday, November 15 at 12:00 Noon -3:00 PM
ICCNE, 200 New Boston Drive, Canton, MA
Mass will be celebrated by Fr. John McCarthy
If you would like someone remembered at either of these masses, please contact the Irish Pastoral Centre at 617-265-5300 with the name(s) of the deceased you would like remembered.
The IPC offers our continued thoughts and prayers for you and your family at this time.