Attorney Chris Lavery assists Sarah Kim and her husband at the Irish Pastoral Centre's Legal Clinic.

We had a good turn out at our July legal clinic in the Banshee. Thanks to our volunteers who showed up on the evening to help out at the clinic. Attorney Chris Lavery had a busy night fielding queries from people from around the world. We had immigrants not just from Ireland, but also from nations as far away as Congo, India and South Korea. We’re pleased that staff at local area hospitals is now beginning to share the news of our work and our free clinics with other staff, and with patients and their families.

The O visa

During a recent IPC review of an Irish doctors case in Texas, there was a discussion on the O visa is a non-immigrant visa. The O has been used by doctors, chefs, and Olympic athletes among many others. An O-1 cannot petition for him/herself.

To be eligible for the O, you have to demonstrate extraordinary ability in arts, science, or athletics with sustained national or international acclaim. One would have to satisfy three of the following 8 criteria:
  • Receipt of scholarship, awards and/or grants.
  • Membership of societies for the elite.
  • Showing your works being cited by others.
  • Showing that you have participated as a judge in your particular field.
  • Show evidence of original scientific and or scholarly achievement, for example letters from field experts.
  • Evidence of scholarly articles.
  • Performed a critical role in a corporation/organization or such environment.
  • Show you command a high salary in your field.

It is worth noting that the same pieces of information/evidence may be used to satisfy a number of these criteria, and to satisfy some of them, you may send your evidence to be evaluated by a peer organization.  To obtain an O visa, you do need a contract. You may ask for a three year term or for the particular length of the contract if it’s for a shorter period. If you do not request the three-year period, and ask for a shorter period, all extensions are good for one-year increments.

Legal Clinic
We will be having another legal clinic on August 6th at our regular time, 6:30 pm in The Banshee, 934 Dorchester Ave., and Dorchester. Confidential consultations are given to immigrants by two of the leading immigration experts in Boston, Chris Lavery and Dan Harrington.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information contained in it is provided to inform generally, and is not intended as a substitute for individual advice. Immigration law is subject to frequent changes and individual circumstances can affect the application of certain legal provisions. For individual legal advice, please contact the Irish Pastoral Centre directly regarding upcoming legal clinics or consultation with an immigration attorney.