Irish Senior Connect, the Senior listening and friendship line, is asking Boston area seniors to think about someone you know who would benefit from a weekly check- in telephone call to see how they are feeling and have a chat.

Perhaps it’s someone who you used to see at a weekly senior center or local social event, but who isn’t getting out much lately. It might be a friend or relative who may be recovering after a hospitalization and would appreciate a friendship call.

If there is someone you are thinking of, would you please call and tell them about our listening line and ask them if it would be okay for us to call them. If they would like a call, just let us know and we will put them on our list.

We need your help to spread the word and help link seniors to this service so that no senior is left to feel isolated or alone. Please give this some thought today! Our free number to call is 855-249-5146.

Thank you,

Susan M. Doody, ISC Coordinator & ISC Volunteers

Irish Senior Connect
Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers
15 Rita Road
Dorchester Ma 02124