New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner

We’ve all witnessed the scenarios - an actor too old to play the part, a quarterback who should have retired last year, and a major CEO who lost their drive for the job. Knowing when to move on is as an important skill as knowing how to master the arts and crafts of theater, athletics, business, or any other trade.

Yet, there is something in the perverted psyche of some politicians which makes them believe that they are immune from the natural cycles of life. Such is the case with San Diego Mayor Bob Filner and Anthony Weiner, Democratic candidate for New York City Mayor.

Bob Filner is accused of sexually harassing at least eight women, and essentially has admitted to those actions. Instead of leaving his office with a sense of humility, Filner has vowed to stay in place as mayor, offering an apology for his behavior to his staff and a plan to enter an inpatient rehab clinic for sexual harassers for two weeks, starting Aug. 5.

Worse still, Filner’s attorney now claims that the disgraced mayor never received a mandated training course on sexual harassment from the city, and thus is not financially liable for any lawsuits arising from his actions.

70-year-old Filner is being sued by his former communications director, Irene McCormack Jackson for sexual harassment.

Anthony Weiner has a different story to tell. Resigning from Congress in 2011 after it was revealed that he sent of explicit photos of himself to women over Facebook and Twitter, Weiner then said: "I'm announcing my resignation from Congress so my colleagues can get back to work, my neighbors can choose a new representative and, most importantly, that my wife and I can continue to heal from the damage I have caused,"

Well unfortunately, Weiner continued to send yet more sexually explicit messages and photos to strangers across the internet following his resignation from Congress, embarrassing his wife, family and friends. His candidacy has become a joke.

But Weiner insists: "Quit isn't the way we roll in New York City. We fight through tough things."  So his run for mayor continues.

Have these people ever heard of Brett Favre? I highly doubt Mr. Favre will ever be remembered as a Jet or Viking.

Does it ever occur to these politicians that New York City and San Diego can function just fine without them? Do they not have a sliver of decency and self-respect beneath their crocodile skin?

Apparently not.