Ed Kennedy & Mitt Romney
Even from the grave Ted Kennedy may dominate the 2012 election.

That is because his tactics in 1994 against Mitt Romney when he ran against Kennedy for the US senate proved so successful.

I remember that race well.

I was allowed to accompany Kennedy for a day on the campaign trail. It was a wonderful experience watching the ultimate retail politician close up, knowing the names of every doorman, family, and public official he met.

But at the time Kennedy was down by three points and readily confessed he was deeply worried about his re-election against a young Mitt Romney. Romney looked fit and and was pounding Kennedy on being old and past his sell by date.

It was a harsh critique and Kennedy was reeling.

The unthinkable was about to happen it seemed.

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That was until Kennedy decided to hit back in devastating fashion.

Kennedy staffer Tad Devine went to Indiana and filmed unemployed workers who had been laid off after Bain Capital moved in to control their company.

The TV ads had a huge and immediate impact.

Kennedy went from three points down to winning the race by twenty points.

The tactic that worked in Massachusetts is being trotted out by fellow Republicans now against Romney.

But that is only the warm up for what Obama's folks will put together to try and defeat Romney in the Fall.

They are all taking their lead from Kennedy's successful assault on Romney on this issue back in 1994.

Just as he did when he endorsed Obama in 2008 and changed the complexion of the race, Kennedy

Somewhere Ted Kennedy, doubtless, is smiling.