Today's top Irish news stories:

Bishop arrested on drink-driving charge after hit and run and fleeing accident scene

A Massachusetts bishop has apologized after he was arrested for drink-driving following a hit and run accident in Rhode Island...READ MORE


White supremacist pleads guilty to murder of cellmate sex offender buddy in gang ritual

A white supremacist in north California has been convicted of killing a child molester, his former prison cellmate and roommate...READ MORE


Rush Limbaugh could leave WABC radio after Sandra Fluke backlash as ad revenue drops - VIDEO

Rush Limbaugh is over the Sandra Fluke affair, but his WABC radio station may not be. Sagging ad revenues and internal disputes are reportedly causing friction between the portly pundit and his longstanding distributor Cumulus Media...READ MORE


The Gathering proving a huge success for Irish tourism say experts

Fáilte Ireland, the National Tourism Development Authority of Ireland, have found that the St Patrick’s Day Festival of 2013 had twice the economic impact of the same event in 2010...READ MORE


NYPD cops plan fundraiser for Richard Donohue - Boston MBTA cop injured in Tsarnaev shoot out

Members of the NYPD are planning a fundraiser for MBTA police officer Richard ‘Dick’ Donohue, 33, who was injured in the shootout with the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev...READ MORE
