Officials at South Hadley High School are under mounting pressure to resign in the wake of the Phoebe Prince tragedy.

Parents have joined forces to attend a special "public commentary" school meeting Wednesday.

Parent Luke Gelinas says superintendent Gus A. Sayer, principal Daniel  Smith and school committee chairman Edward J. Boisselle should go.

He made the call as more details of Phoebe's final weeks were revealed in D.A. Elizabeth Scheibel’s criminal complaints against three 16-year-old girls in the case.

The documents show that 15-year-old Phoebe was refused permission to go home because she was afraid of being beaten up by the gang of teenagers.

She was told she had to stay in school.

Sayer disputes the explanation.

He says Phoebe approached an assistant principal who was busy with another disciplinary matter and was told to go back to class for that reason. Sayer said the incident was reported third-hand in Scheibel's complaint.

Boisselle said there would be “serious consequences” if such an accusation is true and said  school officials will know more after they meet with Scheibel Wednesday.

“We are not going to be pushed around by a mob mentality,” Boisselle said.

But Gelinas blasted the board, saying their response was "typical of what was happening,” Gelinas said. “The truth is just going to keep coming out.”

Governor Deval Patrick has also criticized the school's handling of Phoebe's complaints.

"The adults don’t seem to have acted like adults,” Patrick said. “They (educators) should certainly be held accountable.”