Sinn Fein is none too happy with new ‘Welcome to Northern Ireland’ signs placed along the border with the Republic of Ireland, and claims its constituents aren’t, either.

“People in this area don't want the signs, even if they cost nothing,” Sinn Fein Fermanagh and MLA for South Tyrone Phil Flanagan tweeted.

The nine signs in fact cost £950, money Sinn Fein would rather have put toward improvements to roads and public transit, the Irish Independent reported.

Meanwhile, two of the border signs have mysteriously disappeared.

The DUP, however, told Sinn Fein to stop pretending the border between the countries doesn’t exist, calling their transport-money bluff “politically motivated,” the Independent wrote.

“Signs should be erected to indicate to people, but particularly tourists, when they have entered Northern Ireland from the Irish Republic,” Alastair Ross of the DUP said.

A report by Northern Ireland’s Tourist Board discouraged the signage idea, to no avail.

According to the Road Service, the mysterious missing signs will be replaced soon.