Senator Lindsey Graham got an endorsement this week he can do without, from no less than the Vice President Joe Biden.

According to the New York Daily News, Biden reached across the aisle to offer his help to Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, making the offer to rip Graham's skin off if it helped placate his voters.

Speaking at the McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University at the weekend, the vice president was in a festive mood.

'I’m going down to South Carolina next weekend Lindsey, and I assure you I will rip your skin off for you, and I expect a thank-you note,' Biden joked.

The tongue-in-cheek offer of assistance was made at a recent forum with Senator John McCain as Graham squirmed in the audience. Biden joked that he wanted to give his 'buddy Lindsey' some help with his re-election campaign.

'I told him I’ll come to South Carolina and campaign for him or against him – whichever will help the most,' said Biden.

Graham, who is up for re-election in 2014, has come under fire from fellow conservatives for his work with the bipartisan senate committee on a comprehensive immigration reform package.

The Democratic vice president continued to reassure Graham that he wouldn’t hurt him further with Republican voters by complimenting him.

Enjoying another moment of bipartisan levity, Biden also warmly complimented Republican Senator John McCain, who in turn called the vice president 'one of the most dedicated, hard-working, likeable, frustrating individuals that I have dealt with, and the best vice president.'

'No matter what the hell he says about me, I still love him,' Biden replied.