In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I hope you enjoy these quick and easy tips on how to find love in 2014.

It seems like Valentine’s Day gifts and decorations are everywhere! The best part of the Valentine’s Day holiday is that for one full month it makes all singles think, Do I really want to find love? Hopefully the answer is yes. The next question most singles ask themselves is, How do I find it?

First thing on the agenda, before you even start looking for love, is to be happy with yourself and love yourself. Remember the old adage, if you don’t love yourself, how can anyone love you?

That is correct. Take a minute and write down all the things about you that are positive, and also include in the list any things that you need to improve upon. Any things about yourself that you need to tweak, do it now!

Both men and women, go to your hairstylist and make sure you have an up to date and flattering hair style. Ask your stylist to make sure you have the right hairstyle, one in which makes you look your best and is stylish.

Be healthy! If you didn’t make your New Year’s resolution in January to get into great shape, do it now! By being healthy you will radiant confidence and look your best.

Make sure you already have a first date outfit ready to wear.  If not, go to a department store and ask a sales person for their help. While you are there, make sure you have an updated closet of attractive clothes. Everyone loves a good dresser.

Work on your personality. Are you a positive person? The answer hopefully is yes. No one wants to be with a negative person.

Do you view the glass half full or half empty? People always gravitate towards positive people.

Now you are ready…

Tell everyone you know that you are ready to find your valentine! Make a list of all your friends and colleagues and network yourself, just like if you were looking for a job. Most people will agree, finding a job is actually easier than finding love.

Hopefully if you follow these steps it will make your quest to end your single life much easier. Look at Valentine’s Day as a motivating force to get yourself out there, and accept any and all casual and even business functions.

You never know where you will meet your Valentine. Therefore, the importance of always being ready is paramount when you do!

I wish you all the best of luck in your search for love. I always recommend trying to find love on your own for six months. If after that time frame, you are unsuccessful, then it is time to seek out a professional matchmaker.

If you are looking for a committed relationship and are emotionally stable, call me at 516-444-2861 or 631-577-7940. I offer everyone a complimentary interview with me personally in either my Long Island or Manhattan offices. I have over 1,000 success stories and have over 1,200 of New York’s best singles as clients.

Happy Valentine’s Day!