The chairman of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform (Boston) has appealed to Irish Americans in Massachusetts to contact Senator Scott Brown immediately to ask him to support comprehensive immigration reform.

Hugh Meehan was speaking after a conference call with Irish American leaders on Tuesday, where he emphasized the power in the Irish community, quoting past Irish successes in securing Donnelly, Morrison and Schumer visas.

"We now have a window of opportunity to have a positive impact on the lives of not just the 50,000 undocumented Irish here who, through no fault of their own, have not been able to realize their full potential, or become full members of this great country.

"We now have an opportunity to address the terrible unfairness of the infamous 1965 immigration bill that has locked the Irish out,” he said.

Meehan said that of the 1.3 million green cards given this year Ireland only received 1,600, less than one-10th of one percent.

He pleaded with Irish Americans to ask Brown for his support on the Schumer/Graham Immigration reform initiative. "His D.C. #: is 1 202-224-4543," said Meehan.

"One phone call a day for two weeks will make a huge impact," he said.

"Have your friends and relations do the same and please don't wait for someone to make the call for you." "Please pick up the phone."