Announcing our first ever PADDIES award, the acronym for the worst "Saint Patrick’s awful dreadful, dire, Irish entertainment scene."

There were lots of entries this year, but let me cut to the chase. Thanks to Kevin B. Westley, an IrishCentral, fan we had no problem picking our winner.

It is the episode of the soap opera — or is that "daytime drama" — "One Life to Live" on St. Patrick’s Day. The episode was titled "How are things in Glocca Llanview?" a reference to the fictional town in which the show is set.

Let Kevin describe it:

“My wife brought to my attention the most disgraceful depiction of St. Patrick's Day she has ever seen.

"On ABC's 'One Life to Live,' a portion The St. Patrick's day episode includes a conversation in a bar between two policemen. People in the background have green plastic hats and are drinking green beer. They start drinking beer and switch to Irish whiskey. It continues in the next day's episode in a woman's hair salon with a woman completely dressed in green.

"Her outfit includes a mug of beer on her hat. She is drinking two glasses of green beer at the same time and is obviously drunk.

"To make matters worse, she is wearing a button with 'Irish whisky makes me frisky.' There is also a sign on the wall 'Free beer with manicure.' This woman is constantly filling everyone's glass with green beer.

"Later, from off-screen, you hear a blood-curdling scream and this woman announces, 'We are out of beer!' Later the women stumble into the bar where the policemen are now throwing down numerous shots of Irish whisky.

"I have never seen such a despicable display of stereotyping and bigotry.  Everyone, not just Irish-born or of Irish ancestry, should be offended by this show. We have decided that we will not watch anything on ABC."

Thank you, Kevin! Enough said!