The Saville Inquiry will release its controversial report about the Bloody Sunday massacre next Tuesday.

On the 30th of January 1972, soldiers from the British Army Parachute Regiment raided the Bogside area of Derry city and shot dead 13 unarmed civilians.

In the days following the mass killings crowds marched on the British Embassy in Dublin and burned it to the ground.

The incident forced the then Minister for Foreign Affairs Patrick Hillary, to travel to the UN headquarters in New York and request a UN intervention in Northern Ireland.

For over 30 years the British Army and successive British Governments insisted that the British Army fired at armed men.

It was reported in 2007 that General Sir Mike Jackson, second-in-command of 1 Para on Bloody Sunday, said: "I have no doubt that innocent people were shot".

The Saville Inquiry was implemented by the former Labour Government of Tony Blair and will be released by the current Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron.

Next Tuesday Cameron will address the Commons at 3.30pm and will issue a copy of the inquiries findings to every member of parliament. The British parliament will then be suspended for the summer and MP's will be allowed sufficient time to study the report.

The 5,000 page report will be published on the inquiries website,

The report will bring an end to the 12 year old inquiry which cost the British taxpayer more than $277million.