Read more: Bill O'Reilly gets Al Gores attention

Read more: Lawrence O'Donnell calls Bill O'Reilly a 'joke' and serial liar - SEE VIDEO

Fox TV host Bill O’Reilly has weighed in on Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s remarks on drunken Irish saying that “You don't get much more Irish than me, but somehow I am not offended by Mr. Bloomberg's ethnic one-liner.“

O’Reilly went on to say “I am troubled that it was very lame in the humor department, but the clichéd drinking reference is meaningless to me.”

However, he warned that alcohol abuse was no laughing matter  “Consuming alcohol, as we all know, extends to every ethnicity, and the destruction that alcoholism causes is no laughing matter.”

He acknowledged that Bloomberg’s remarks touched a raw nerve.

“We live in a touchy age where any ethnic remark is a blowtorch. Your mom might have told you never to talk about politics or religion, but these days, mother should include race and ethnicity in her maternal guidance.”

Speaking of his remarks O’Reilly stated Bloomberg’s words came out very wrong at the American Irish Hisotrical Society.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Bloomberg pulled a Jackie Mason and told the Irish crowd that he lived nearby and was used to seeing "people that are totally inebriated hanging out windows" of the society's building.”

O’Reilly noted the remarks went down badly.”There were very few Irish eyes smiling, and the ensuing media reports made the situation even worse."

Click here to see O'Reilly's column.

Read more: Bill O'Reilly gets Al Gores attention

Read more: Lawrence O'Donnell calls Bill O'Reilly a 'joke' and serial liar - SEE VIDEO