Well, let's face it, we have had it up to here with politics and as for religion? we are not even going to go there… Apparently there is a big freeze on its way (in more ways than one) to Ireland, which could result in us having a premature 'White Christmas' yippee...... Just what we need a bit of festive cheer, an excuse to hole up with friends and loved ones and forget about all that’s going on.

We are obsessed with the weather here in Ireland, we talk about it all the time, its woven its way into our language and shaped us and environment over the millennia. And while we never stop going on about it, we are in fact blessed in that we never get extremes of weather in Ireland. ie it never gets too hot or too cold. We don’t get hurricanes, whirlwinds, terrible droughts or floods and all the nasty stuff that goes with them like bugs, flooding and erosion. Okay, we do get occasional flooding but that’s more to do with global warming and our own mis-management (nothing new there) like building on natural flood plains or releasing water from hydro-electric dams…..

But when we are not whingeing about it we realise this how lucky we are especially on what we call a ‘pet day’. This is an unseasonably, perfectly still, warm and sunny day that we get once in a while in the middle of winter, where all is well with us, our neighbours and the world.... Compared to the other extreme which is ‘a day for the high stool’ when the weather is so cold, wet and miserable you have no choice but to head for the pub.

Whereas we usually manage to survive ‘soft days’ (because we are so used to them) which is what we call rainy days. True, you can get some wet days in Ireland were the rain is as soft as an Evian facial but we used the same term to excuse the horizontal stuff that blows in from the Atlantic. Which we really shouldn’t complain about either as these prevailing westerly winds are the reason we have the cleanest air in Europe. The tell-tale signs being the lichen that grows on rocks and trees all over Ireland, which doesnt happen in polluted environments.

And is the reason why, we have the healthiest growing conditions for crops and animals, evident in our fresh food, and even ourselves, if we don’t mess with it of course. So it’s ‘a good day’ we would have it and despite all our financial woes we are beyond fortunate to live in the most beautiful country in the world, Let's hear if for the 'Greens' (whoops, naughty...)

Susan Byron author of http://www.ireland-hidden-gems.com/

For more about the weather in Ireland check out http://www.irishweatheronline.com/

Read more: Arctic spell could see temperatures in Ireland drop to 14F - SEE PHOTOS