Sarah Jessica Parker was kicked by a cow while shooting her latest movie. The actress struggled to get to grips with country life when making 'Did You Hear About The Morgans?' — in which she stars with Hugh Grant — and was particularly dismayed when producers insisted on adding the unfortunate encounter to the final cut.

She said: "I didn't enjoy attempting to milk a cow, or ride a horse, or shoot a rifle. I have other fantasies, none of which include milking a cow! The cow kicked me in the middle of the scene and they left it in. It's right there for everyone to see. But I sympathized with the cow. I didn't belong there and she knew it."

Despite her bad bovine experience, Sarah loved starring in the movie because she had wanted to work alongside Hugh for so long. The 44-year-old actress - who has three children, eight-year-old James and six-month-old twins Marion and Tabitha, with husband Matthew Broderick - explained to "I think I remember auditioning to co-star with Hugh in 'Four Weddings and a Funeral'. I think I did. I know I screen tested for 'Nine Months.'

"Of course, I didn't get either. I have wanted to appear opposite him in a romantic comedy for basically as long as Americans, especially women, have known and loved Hugh Grant. "Every time I kissed Hugh, I told him I was doing it for America."