Celtic Cross have delivered a fantastic present to their fans: new music for the holiday season! Their new single, "Always Believe," is an alt-country winner sprinkled with sweet Irish soul.

"Church bells ring out/Silent Night/thankful prayers/we're all still alright/trees all aglow with tiny white lights/I think there's room for a last set tonight," sings Kathleen Fee, who tells the Irish Voice that they wrote the track during a recording and rehearsal session last September.

"We tried to write a Christmas song without the word Christmas in it. That was the challenge," she explains.

Fee is surrounded by her brothers in the band, and her nephew joining this recording session made this a family affair that spanned two generations.

"It was really special to have Ken's 10-year-old son Kenny Vesey play the tin whistle on 'Always Believe,'" says Fee. "He was more than willing to take a half day off school to come into the studio.

"He is an incredible talent and seeing the next generation keeping the tradition alive is exciting. It has been drilled into us, growing up with Irish parents, that it is our responsibility to pass the torch.

"Our children are all learning Irish music and stepdancing. It's great to be able to have them perform with Celtic Cross."

There are references to holidays past and games of card games like 25 in the lyrics, continuing Celtic Cross's tradition for capturing Irish Americana in their songs.

"Larry Kirwan is a great mentor of ours, and he once advised me to write about what you know," she explains.

"Over and over again I have had people say to me that they relate so much to what Celtic Cross sings about and it 'takes them right back' or 'thanks for never letting us forget.'"

The band expects "Always Believe" to be available through iTunes this week. You can listen to it on their website at celticcross.com or on their Facebook site.

While you are visiting them online, make sure to pick up a copy of "Shores of America," their excellent new studio album.