Casey Anthony walked out of a Florida jail just after midnight as a free woman.

But is she?

Not since OJ Simpson was released has there been such hatred for a person in American life.

She is at the same level of vitriol as the two English youths who kidnapped and killed a little four year old boy James Bulger in Liverpool in 1993.

The two young boys who committed that crime are still hated and despised in Britain.

Casey Anthony will never be able to free herself from the tragic tale of her murdered daughter.

Though she walks free she is facing a life sentence like OJ and the British boys, Venables and Thompson.

While life may eventually seem normal to her it is only a matter of time before someone discovers where she is living and the nightmare will begun again.

When you kill a child you destroy society's most precious norm.

Children killers are the most despised in our society.

Casey Anthony is about to find that out for ever.

She may have walked free but she will never be free again.

I expect to see her back in protective custody at some point.

Casey Anthony needs to be very afraid for the rest of her life

Casey Anthony showered with cash gifts by admirers ahead of release

Casey Anthony advised to get plastic surgery after release from prison